Performing Arts

Our school curriculum

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The Performing Arts programme at Nailsworth Primary School incorporates Music, Dance and Drama integrating the three where possible, while ensuring a discreet understanding of the concepts, skills and vocabulary, unique to each artform. 

What we Teach

The elements of Music, Dance and Drama are gradually introduced, revised and applied through songs, games, improvisation, arranging, devising or composition activities.  A range of percussion instruments are used throughout Foundation to Year 6, while recorders are introduced in Year 3, Xylophones in Year 4 and Ukuleles in Year 5.  At Year 6, students are provided with opportunities to use their prior learning to create arrangements or compositions of their own.

Benefits of Performing Arts for Every Child

Performing Arts provides the perfect vehicle to encourage and develop positive social interactions while building important foundations for learning such as self-regulation, focus, memory and concentration. 

Performing Arts helps students develop oral language, communicate effectively, explore situations from another person’s point of view, express feelings without words and develop balance, coordination and control.  These are skills we all need to be well-balanced human beings with an understanding of our place in the world.